Common Causes of Transmission Fluid Leaks

A transmission fluid leak will form stains on your driveway or garage floor and will cost you a lot of money for a repair, so if you ever notice a small puddle of red fluid underneath your car, you need to take care of this problem right away.
A transmission can leak because of minor or critical issues, but regardless of the type of problem, you need to have it checked right away and waiting is not an option.

The following are some of the most common causes of transmission fluid leaks so that you have a better understanding:

Transmission Pan

Your transmission pan will experience wear and tear over time because it is susceptible to damage from loose rocks and debris from the road while you drive. This can cause a small puncture or loose drain plugs or bolts, and a leak can occur as a result. If a big rock or object damages the pan, your transmission will lose fluid quickly, and you would notice this right away, whereas a small hole would take a longer time to notice.

Broken Seals

Seals, too, will eventually crack and get worn out over time, especially if they are exposed to heat often, and this is problematic because an automatic transmission sustains hydraulic pressure through different transmission seals. If a transmission leak occurs because of this, there are a number of areas of the transmission that need to be checked, and generally, the leaky seal will be in either the input or output shaft. This is the most common place where you’ll find the leaky seal but if that is not the case, check the transmission pan, sensors, plug seals and driveshaft as well.

Failed Transmission Pan Gasket

Poor manufacturing can cause the gasket on your transmission pan to become damaged or cracked, as can constant exposure to hot temperatures and a bad gasket alignment during a previous install. If this is the problem, fix it right away so that it does not lead to more serious issues.

Torque Converter Leakage

The torque converter is what propels transmission fluid into the whole system, so if there is a crack anywhere on its body, the transmission fluid will leak. This would also occur if the torque pump has damaged needle bearings, and neither of these are easy to fix, so you have to take your car to a mechanic for a replacement if this is the problem you are experiencing.

Cracked Fluid Line

These lines are generally very durable because they are constructed of either aluminum or steel, but they can sometimes get damaged from road debris or heat exposure. This type of damage can cause the fluid lines to crack or can even cause them to break completely, so they must be repaired.

Alberta Drive-Line Rebuilders Ltd. can help you repair your problem, and our team of experts can handle any type of transmission issue, so if you are in Edmonton, contact us today!