5 Most Common Car Problems

We rely on our cars so that we can get around, and in order for them to be safe, they require care and maintenance to ensure all of the parts and components are in working order. Every car will run into a problem at one point or another, and the following are five of the most common car problems you may encounter:

Warning Lights

These lights will turn on whenever your car’s engine control unit detects an error code triggered by a sensor. A warning or check engine light is the most common issue that drivers will experience and because there are so many possible warning codes, having a professional mechanic complete a warning light inspection is best as they will be able to determine the source of the problem and will make the necessary repairs.


Brakes are designed to last for years, so a lot of drivers will forget to get them checked. Some of the biggest warning signs when it comes to faulty brakes include a squeaky noise when you apply the brakes or noticing that it takes longer to come to a complete stop. It goes without saying that brakes are a vital safety feature on your car, so you should always keep them in top condition to avoid major accidents.

Oil Leaks

Luckily, oil leaks are easy to spot but can be annoying to deal with. The biggest sign of an oil leak is seeing oil on your driveway or garage floor when you leave for work in the morning. You can also check your oil level by taking out the dipstick and looking at the oil line. If you notice it going down gradually every day, it may be a sign there is an oil leak problem. Make sure you get this issue fixed as soon as possible as an oil leak can lead to more expensive repairs down the road.

Dead Battery

Reduced amps or electrical currents are the main causes of a dead battery as this will naturally decrease as the battery loses its ability to maintain a charge. A damaged alternator, battery temperature sensor or other charging components can make this issue even worse, so it is recommended that you replace your car battery every 50,000 miles or three years, and this is true even if you do not see or notice any signs of damage.

Vibration or Noises

If you notice that your vehicle is making a new noise you haven’t heard before or are feeling heavy vibration, it could be a sign that your car needs a tune-up or repair. Don’t delay on getting your car checked as these vibrations and noises can lead to more costly repairs or replacements 

If you require any of the above car problems fixed, Alberta Drive-Line Rebuilders Ltd. can help! We are one of the best transmission shops in the Edmonton area and specialize in rebuilding and repairs, so contact us today for more information!