5 Common Reasons Why Your Car Is Shifting Hard

If you drive manual and you notice that your car is starting to jerk around a lot more than it used to, or you have trouble shifting gears, it could be caused by any number of underlying issues. It is best to get to your mechanic, so you can get an accurate diagnosis of what is going on. However, here are some of the possibilities, so you have an idea of what might be happening when you take your car into an auto shop.

You Have Dirty Transmission Fluid

One of the simplest explanations is that you have dirty transmission fluid. Over time, your transmission fluid will pick up dirt and other contaminants from the environment and the moving metal parts inside the transmission. While this is natural, it also means that you should regularly change out your transmission fluid to help keep your transmission in the best shape.

You Have A Transmission Fluid Leak

The transmission is in its own enclosed system, this means that whatever fluid is in your transmission should stay put. However, like your engine oil, you can have a leak. Just like with your engine, having too little fluid inside your transmission can lead to serious damage and overheating. In terms of having a transmission fluid leak, you might notice it is more difficult to shift gears.

You Have Malfunctioning Sensors

Modern cars rely on a system of sensors, which remit data to let other parts of the car understand what to do. This can include speed sensors that tell your transmission how and when it needs to switch gears. If your speed sensor is giving out incorrect data, this can cause hard shifting or other drivability issues.

The Clutch Is Worn Out

This is usually the first transmission repair that comes to mind when someone is experiencing difficulty with shifting gears. It is definitely possible that you need a clutch repair because of one or more parts of your clutch wearing down. Signs of a worn clutch can also be a soft clutch pedal or a burning smell while you drive, so be sure to look out for those signs as well.

You Have A Damaged Shifter Cable

Depending on your car’s mechanics, you could have a shifter cable that is connected to the shifter handle to the transmission. Just like any other part of your car, over time, it will gradually wear out and eventually break if it isn’t replaced on time. Once the cable is damaged or breaks, you will start to notice harder shifting.

If you are noticing any of these signs and symptoms, you can trust the professionals at Alberta Drive-Line Rebuilders to help you out. Our mechanics will be able to diagnose and repair any car issue you might be facing.