Why Regular Oil Change Is Important For Your Vehicle

Regular oil changes are a must because clean oil will allow your vehicle to perform better and will not cause any damage to your engine. Driving with dirty oil is very problematic because, in addition to performance issues and damage, you may also face expensive bills down the road, which can easily be avoided.

It is generally recommended that you perform three oil changes a year, so make sure you stick to this schedule. There are a number of reasons why oil changes are so important, and the first is that clean oil in your engine will provide it with the protective lubrication that it needs. There are a lot of moving parts in an engine, and all of these need to be properly lubricated so that they function. A lack of lubrication will cause these parts to become damaged and will wear them down, so clean oil is a must as it will protect all of the moving parts of your engine.

It’s natural for oil to break down and become contaminated when you drive because cold and hot weather and dirt and debris will degrade your vehicle’s oil over time. This will cause the engine oil to lose its effectiveness, and your oil will no longer be able to properly lubricate the moving parts. Diluted and degraded oil will not be able to do its job, so your vehicle’s performance will suffer as a result. It’s possible for your engine to become damaged as well, and it may require expensive repairs in the future. Maintaining a healthy level of clean oil is crucial to your car, so you cannot forget to schedule your appointments.

In addition to a healthy engine, there are a number of other benefits to regular oil changes as well, including the fact that it will cool your engine. Your engine does a lot of work, and this can cause excess heat, which can be very damaging as it can warp the components and put unnecessary stress on your engine. Clean oil will cool your engine by keeping heat levels down, so you won’t have to worry about any friction.

An oil change will also eliminate dirt and debris from your engine, which is another bonus. If these particles accumulate, corrosion will occur, and this will decrease the lifespan of the engine. Clean oil will also increase your gas mileage, will prevent your vehicle from having to work unnecessarily hard and will increase the longevity of your car. For these reasons, it is a must that you schedule regular oil changes as this will make a world of difference, and your vehicle will be a lot safer to drive.

The experts at Alberta Drive-Line Rebuilders Ltd. can help with transmission rebuilds and repairs, so if you are looking for reputable technicians, our team is the answer. If you are looking for professional and reliable transmission shops in the Edmonton area, contact us today!