When is It Time For A Brake Repair?

Car maintenance is an unavoidable part of any car owner’s future. Seeing as drivers use their car brakes every single day, these are often one of the first things to require maintenance.

Brake Maintenance issues

Having any kind of problem with your car’s brakes is extremely dangerous. Look out for any of the following issues with your car brakes, they could be a sign it’s time for a brake repair.

Grinding or squealing noise when you press on the brakes or while driving

This noise is a sign your brake pads are wearing out. Completely worn-out brake pads mean you will have a lot more difficulty stopping. You could even completely damage your brakes.

Clearly thinning brake pads

You can take a look at just about any set of brakes and determine if the brake pads need to be changed. If your brake pads are under a quarter of an inch, it is time to take them in to be replaced.

Car pulling to the left or the right

Everyone has been at a grocery store and gotten that one wonky cart that always seems to steer left or right. Don’t emulate that with your car. Any demonstration of this is a sign your brakes are unevenly worn.

Vibration when braking

Your brakes are not functioning as they should if you are feeling a shake every time you brake. This is a sign that your brakes need to be replaced.

Rather than turning your music up to drown out any sounds or writing off other things as “just normal,” save your car and even yourself by taking your car in to get looked at.

How to minimize issues with your brakes

Replacing your brake pads on time will, without fail, extend the life of your car’s actual brakes. Without replacements, you could be looking at costly repairs or even more costly accidents. Taking your car in to be serviced on a regular basis will also extend the life of not only your brakes but your car overall.

Costs associated with brake repairs

Complete brake replacements are notoriously expensive, costing upwards of $3,000 in some cases. Sometimes these costs cannot be avoided, but with proper brake maintenance, you can cut costs dramatically. Your best bet is to find a reputable shop that can perform regular tune-ups and keep your car in great health. If it is too late, don’t worry, shops like Alberta Drive-Line Rebuilders offer brake replacements that can be trusted and for a fair price.

If you think you might need a brake repair, contact Alberta Drive-Line Rebuilders to have your situation assessed.